Oh, the Things That Make Me Cry

I’m sitting in my office. Crying. Hysterically. I found this video on YouTube and I just bawled when I saw it, which is amazing given the fact that it is set to the cheesiest music in the history of mankind (Whitney, you’re crazy, baby, but I’ll always love you).

I’m going to pretend that if we were to release Lucy into the wilds of the Mexican terrain and released Molly into the wilds of… I don’t know where labs originated. Maybe Buckhead, GA? Anyway, I’m going to pretend that if my two beastly babies were released into the wild, they would have this reaction when they saw me. I’m going to pretend that, and I’m going to keep crying. Oh, how I love my beasts.

(On a different note, we should talk about my recent addiction to YouTube. I spend time on there every day and always find new stuff that amazes me – like a cheerleader’s mother fighting on the sidelines with a football player’s mother. Now that’s just funny to me.)

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Filed under Around the House, Lucy, Molly

One response to “Oh, the Things That Make Me Cry

  1. Ann

    Okay, I know I’m late to finally read this post, but every time I’ve watched that movie I’ve crying hystarically… it was a little embarassing